After being exposed to writing reloadable code on the front end using figwheel and Om, I started wondering about how to write similarly on message-driven server applications.

The core.async library is fantastic, but it does have some gotchas when writing reloadable code. Definition of reloadable here being:

  • I can reload a given namespace such that it affects currently running code in a predictable manner
  • I can stop/start the ‘core’ part of the program and a predictable and safe manner

Here are a few things I’ve started doing to maintain a reloadable workflow.

Bring up channels in a function

Rather than this:

(defonce incoming-msgs (chan))
(defonce outgoing-orders (chan))
;; Do stuff here


(defn start
  (let [incoming-msgs (chan)
        outgoing-orders (chan)]
     ;; Do stuff here

The reason for this is that, even if we gracefully do bring down all of our running go-blocks, there are times when a message will remain in the channel even after stopping. It’s best to just re-create the channel as part of the startup routine to avoid this altogether.

Prefer functions that take their dependant channels as arguments

Kind of an extension of the above - but rather than this:

(defonce incoming-msgs (chan))

(defn process-msgs
    (loop []
      (process-fn (<! incoming-msgs))


(defn process-msgs
  [msg-chan process-fn]
    (loop []
      (process-fn (<! msg-chan))

Other than the fact that it’s good form to have your functions declare their dependencies as arguments, it’s far easier to test/debug.

Handle receiving nil

Parking take’s (<!) will receive ‘nil’ from closed channels. The go-block should terminate accordingly.

Rather than:

(go-loop []
  (process-fn (<! incoming-msgs))


(go-loop []
  (if-let [msg (<! incoming-msgs)]
      (println "Received " msg)
    (println "Done.")))

A little more verbose, but the go-blocks listening to those channels will complete gracefully on the channel closing. This is especially important in repl development, as you can leave a lot of these go-loops kicking around taking up resources.

Stop channels

I like to define a ‘stop channel’ that gets exposed to me, so I can stop all running go-blocks easily:

(defn start
  (let [stop-chan (chan)
        stop-chan-m (mult stop-chan)
        incoming-msgs (chan)]
      (<! stop-chan)
      (close! incoming-msgs))
    (fetch-msgs (copy-chan stop-chan-m) incoming-msgs)
    (process-msgs (copy-chan stop-chan-m) incoming-msgs)

We return the stop-chan above so that the caller has a hook to stop the process(es). To invoke it, we put any message onto the stop channel.

The ‘copy-chan’ is a simple method:

(defn copy-chan
  (let [copy (chan)]
    (tap chm copy)

And fetch-msgs is a little more involved, due to the complexities of bridging the gap between the outside world and our app, plus remaining responsive to the stop channel:

(defn fetch-msgs
  [stop-ch incoming-ch]
    (loop []
      (let [msg (transport/recv-msg {:maxWait 200 :queue "system/incoming"})]
        (when msg ;; msg is nil when no message to receive after maxWait
          (let [[_ ch] (alts! [[incoming-ch msg] stop-ch])]
            (condp = ch
              incoming-ch (recur)
              stop-ch :complete)))))
    (println "fetch-msgs stopping.")))